Detailed race information and flyer here!
Race fees are the responsibility of the rider.
Volunteer signups for NICA helps us get better PitZone sites, and are generally a great thing to do for the NICA community. If you can, please do! No riding experience is necessary for most opportunities.
Friday, March 14th
Early Release: TBD
2 - 6:30p: Pre-ride open. Team info coming soon.
Saturday, March 15th
6:30 - 8:15a: Pre-ride open
7:15a: Coach meeting
8:30a - 2:30p: High school racing
3(ish): High school podium
What to know for Granite Bay:
Lodging : Friday night : Many hotel options nearby. A lot of the team is staying at Lake Natoma Inn.
Race Location : Follow your map to the Granite Bay Main Beach. Take Douglas Blvd to the park
entrance on Park Rd to enter the venue. Please be prepared to pay the park day-use
fee of $12. This fee will be collected by parks and is not a donation to the league.